“I have always been fascinated by the idea of time and how past, present and future overlap and displace themselves in our lives”.
I view “time” as a simultaneous line of past (memory), present (conscience) and future (imagination). The way we remember it, the action we accomplish with our intelligence and the projection and purpose of the setting we visualize in the displacements of our life.
We measure the pulse of society through its press, the same way that aesthetics provide a viewpoint of beauty at a certain time and as it changes in today’s world. The newspaper series brings together art and ethics, creating an aesthetic newspaper library with the artist’s particular vision of our world, on the permanence, fragility and fleetingness of human events.
Creating art with newspapers, painting over them with oil, gives way to new occurrences over these information objects that I approach directly providing a new character to the news, the event and its content.
The same dynamic of newspapers as information media is given as isolated events, however, they are usually installments, continuity and a succession that refer to more complex and extended events. Thus, day by day, as episodes of a series of “the lives of the world”, from the particular to the worldwide, stories are interwoven as an ephemeral present that sustains itself on the past or inquiry in the created history, and that day by day assimilates the updates and unfolding of these fragmented events, unique or distorted by their translation, warning about the assumptions, the reactions and their consequences for the future. Through which I’m leaving the permanence of my already ample aesthetic newspaper library.
El Príncipe
Napoleón. Le Monde
Tu me manques: la guerre éternelle. Agapito Mexique
Taste of the world
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